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HomeLinuxubuntu chef workstation 에서 client install

ubuntu chef workstation 에서 client install

ubuntu chef workstation 에서 client install

1. workstation 에서 client 설치

admin@ip-10-2-2-200:~# knife bootstrap ip-10-2-2-20.computer-1.com -x admin -P password --sudo

proxy 환경에서의 설정방법

knife bootstrap ip-10-2-2-20.computer-1.com -x admin -P password --sudo --bootstrap-proxy "http://youproxyurl/" --bootstrap-wget-options "--no-check-certificate"
Connecting to ip-10-2-2-20.computer-1.com
ip-10-2-2-10.computer-1.com knife sudo password: 
Enter your password: 
ip-10-2-2-10.computer-1.com Installing Chef Client...
ip-10-2-2-10.computer-1.com --2015-03-04 16:08:44--  https://www.opscode.com/chef/install.sh
ip-10-2-2-10.computer-1.com trying wget...
ip-10-2-2-10.computer-1.com trying curl...
ip-10-2-2-10.computer-1.com trying perl...
ip-10-2-2-10.computer-1.com trying python...

Starting Chef Client, version 12.0.3
Creating a new client identity for ip-10-2-2-20.computer-1.com using the validator key.
resolving cookbooks for run list: []
Synchronizing Cookbooks:
Compiling Cookbooks...
[2015-03-04T17:47:54+09:00] WARN: Node ip-10-2-2-20.computer-1.com has an empty run list.
Converging 0 resources

Running handlers:
Running handlers complete
Chef Client finished, 0/0 resources updated in 1.214242837 seconds


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